Origen del Idioma Inglés

El inglés es un idioma originario del norte de Europa, de raíz germánica, que se desarrolló en Inglaterra, difundido desde su origen por todas las Islas Británicas y en muchas de sus antiguas colonias de ultramar. El inglés es el tercer idioma más hablado del mundo, por detrás del chino y del español.

viernes, 30 de abril de 2010


Here is the questionnaire you have for homework for next class. See you!

1) What happened to the earth during the dinosaurs age?
2) What problem did a shuttle go through at the beginning of the film?
3) What did the people think the meteor shower was?
4) How big was the meteor?
5) What would happen if the meteor hit the earth?
6) Why was Harry chosen to save the planet?
7) Who did Harry asked for to work with him in this mission?
8) How many days did they have to save the world?
9) What were the men’s psychological tests results like?
10) What did the men ask for in return?
11) What happened the night they were allowed to go out?
12) What was the plan to destroy the meteor? How would they do it?

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